


                              Trust In The Lord

Greetings from the Worthy Grand Matron:

Sisters and Brothers –

It is surreal to address you as the Worthy Grand Matron of Wisconsin. So many years of planning have gone by quickly. Now it is time to get to work. The Grand Family is looking forward to being in our Chapters this year. We plan to provide support and ideas to get members who may be inactive, excited about OES again.

Thank you to all the members who have accepted positions within their  Chapters. Many hands make light work, and the possibility for fun increased. Please watch the monthly newsletter, the website and the Blast for event information, and novel resources to use in your Chapters and Area Clubs.

Please stretch your mind and think out of the box as to how we can be of service to our communities and world. There are many ways to help in addition to raising funds. We plan to share ideas each month.

I would like to share the following wish for the coming year –

Health enough to make work a pleasure

Wealth enough to support your needs

Strength enough to battle difficulties and overcome them

Patience enough to toil until some good is accomplished

Charity enough that you see good in your neighbor

Cheerfulness enough that shall make others glad.

Love enough that shall move you to be useful and helpful to others.   

Faith that make real the things of God

And hope that shall remove all anxious fears concerning the future.


Persist no matter what

Endure discomfort 

Request help   

Steadfastly hold on to your beliefs and values         

Envision triumph   

Very consistently keep at it                                                   

Embrace adversity as your teacher                                 

Refuse to give up                                 

Enjoy and Celebrate every tiny bit of progress!


                                            Lori Williams, Worthy Grand Matron   



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