PAGO (Past Appointed Grand Officers) Survey

To All Past Appointed Grand Officers
For your information:
We would like to get the Association active again. At the last meeting held in October of 2022 in Wisconsin Rapids, a unanimous vote was taken to change our name from FAGO (Former Appointed Grand Officers) to PAGO (Past Appointed Grand Officers) to conform to other Grand Jurisdictions. This also increases our recognition and enables us to access resources from vendors such as pins. We did not meet in 2023 or 2024.
In the past there was a FAGO banquet/lunch and meeting during Grand Chapter each year. In recent years we have had a met at Grand Chapter on Tuesday morning.
We have contacted and heard back from many other jurisdictions. Thirty-one jurisdictions have a meal at their Grand Chapter. Fifteen jurisdictions have also shared their By-Laws for our review.
Please take a few moments to complete this survey no later March 1, 2025 so that the complied results can be shared with everyone.

Many thanks to Elaine Engelke for her work in drafting this survey and WGM Lori Williams for her input!

Grand Chapter Activity





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